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Industrial wastewater management and system executing project

Due to revise the water quality protection regulations, to collect the wastewater management related documents inside and outside the country, and to combine the explaining promotion of new regulations . Our project is to execute and help the administrations of the industrial wastewater permits management. For renewing the regulations, we have published four regulations by taking place 16 related meetings. And the spirit of the new regulations is to simplifying the permit management, to strengthen the water pollution control measures, to use water resource effectively, to discriminate wastewater and wasted liquid, and to increase wastewater treatment checking rules. Meanwhile, we also made several Q&A about Administrative Penalty Act for EPB. Besides, we collected related rules and acts of other countries, including USA, JAPAN, FRANCE, GERMANY, KOREA and SINGAPORE. By reviewing the literatures, we choose 12 different companies to investigate. After that, we can get more information to subscribe the regulations. By the way, promoting regulations, editing E-mails, Act executing explanations and Administrative Appealing cases are the other services.
Industry Wastewater ;Permit Management;Industrial Water Pollution Control Measure